Welcome (back) to the Name That Hymn blog

Hi everyone! This is Steve, a hymn nut and the purveyor of the NameThatHymn.com discussion board and the fledgling HymnLyrics.net Web site.

Back in 2005, I started writing blog posts that were loosely inspired by my favorite hymn lyrics. I wrote my posts on Blogspot.com, which Google subsequently took over and ruined. Among other things, they made some technical changes in 2007 that effectively wiped away all the blog posts I’d made to date. Then, life became busy and I stopped writing.

It’s 2012 now, and I thought I’d try to bring the blog back. For starters, I’ll re-post all the old posts that Google took away. I’ll schedule them to be published once a month or so. But if y’all like the blog posts I write (and you can let me know by liking the posts on Facebook or re-tweeting), maybe I could be coaxed to come out of “retirement” and start writing again. 🙂

That said, welcome back to the blog, and I hope in its own little way it might be a blessing to some. May the good Lord bless you and keep you!

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