Category Archives: Hymn Devotionals

Review of This is Your Captain Speaking, by Gavin McLeod

I basically grew up watching the great Gavin McLeod, albeit mostly in re-runs. After school, we’d come home and turn on the TV to channel 17 where McHale’s Navy would be playing. We’d switch to channel 4 where the Mary Tyler Moore show would be playing. And occasionally, we’d watch brand new episodes of The […]

Review of the NIV Integrated Study Bible

As part of the Booksneeze program, I’ve been reviewing a lot of Bibles lately. I promise I’ll go back and review a couple regular books soon, but there was one Bible I saw that I had to take a look at: NIV Integrated Study Bible. The concept and execution of this Bible are excellent. Every […]

Review of the NIV Worship Together Bible

When I signed up for the Booksneeze program, I figured I’d be reading and reviewing all kinds of books, but it turns out that the kind of book I tend to get again and again are Bibles. This works out well for me; as I mentioned in an earlier post, my mom used to give […]

Review of NIV Leadership Bible: Leading By the Book

When my mom was still on this earth, she had a tradition of giving me a few Bible every year. Now back when I was growing up, there wasn’t the alphabet soup of Bible translations that there are today. But there were enough special versions of KJV, NIV, RSV, NRSV, and Interlinear Bibles out there […]

Thoughts on the Pastor at Rehoboth Beach and The Star Spangled Banner

A few days ago, I had the pleasure of visiting a special exhibition at The New York Public Library. They had on display the original handwritten draft of the Declaration of Independence, written in Thomas Jefferson’s own handwriting. They also had one of the original copies of the Bill of Rights. The Library did a […]

Review of 7 Men and the Secret of Their Greatness by Eric Metaxas

I recently joined a program called “BookSneeze”, a program run by  Th0mas Nelson (a Christian book publisher) that provides bloggers with advance copies of books and asks them to review them. (If you’d like more information on the program yourself, you can check it out here). There was a time when I was a voracious […]

Welcome (back) to the Name That Hymn blog

Hi everyone! This is Steve, a hymn nut and the purveyor of the discussion board and the fledgling Web site. Back in 2005, I started writing blog posts that were loosely inspired by my favorite hymn lyrics. I wrote my posts on, which Google subsequently took over and ruined. Among other things, […]